Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Good ride today

Well I did learn something.....the web halters really are "creek halters" (as in the only thing that should be done with them is toss them in the creek) I tried using my web halter and boy was it easy for her to pull and ignore and drag me around the arena....

Back to the rope halter tommorrow!

We had a good work today, walk, trot and canter with contact on both reins, she was softer on two reins then she's ever been and the lateral flexion is much much better. We did a LOT of left lead canter today and she did pretty good, tried to break a few times but the gas pedal is getting there at long last.

Am bidding on a month of training at Rooker's on the Ablack horse auctions....go check em out there are tons of great items and it benefits our breed!


Belle after her bath today:

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