Monday, September 03, 2007

You can tell...

That that plucky bay mare had three days off!

At least for her canter you could tell....Joe rode again today....did really good....when we went to do some canter though lil miss Pee in her Pants decided to kick up a no no! So I jumped on and persuaded her to rethink that idea! (Never a good idea for a beginning rider to get a confidence jar like losing one's balance from a F-you type of kick out lol)

I know this mare pretty well...any time she has time off she tends to be a little whiney about going back to work...kind of like myself I reckon!

But Joe got back on after I rode her for a few minutes and she was much better for him....still very boundy into the canter but much less racey and easier for him to sit and get used to a bit better. Then we took Miss Thang outside and I had Joe steer her in circles and practice turns and stops to cool her out.

Tommorrow..well later today I should say...we are going back out to ride again...I am sure she will be more obediant today since we went through the pissies already yesterday!

The great thing is though I was talking to my barn owner (Belle's great vet isn't that perfect!) and she mentioned the huge change in this horse in a year and I have to totally agree with her. Belle has come a long long way from a goofy and silly animal to a quieter, more mature version of herself.

Hooray for 24/7 turn works wonders LOL....

I added Carol's blog link today...go check out her training diaries about her wonderful Ruminaja Ali son, Aspecial Ali!

Happy trails...
