Monday, April 23, 2007

Spring in MI and a great day at the Barn!

Well you can really tell Spring Fever has hit. Belle is full of life, bounce and woo hoo! We went out to the barn on Saturday during a goregous spring day (Mid seventies, bright sun, no clouds in site) After three rounds of longing she was finally thinking quietly enough to actually be ridden without a hump in her back (or bolting off, like she tried the first attempt before her third round of longing LOL)....Once she was focused on what I asked of her she did great and we worked on trot circles, bending and softening to the bit and getting that hind end up under her instead of dragging behind.

Some photos from the day with Belle:
First photo still UP and lookie, following photos, much more soft and round on the bit!

Working nicely now at the trot: Having a breather:

One Rein Flexes... Joe and Bee cool out...

Just before going back to her buddies.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Holy cow!!

Sorry one and all...(well probably 2 or 3 total blog watchers lol) It's been unforgiveably LONG since I've posted here!!

Belle arrived home (non preggo) last August, happy, a bit skinny from the trip and VERY tired.... Here on the left is one of her first photos since her can see she's a bit skimpy in this photo and tired...but o h so happy to see green green grass :) That was last August.........and you can see although she was thin, she was healthy, with a great, glossy coat and healthy appetite! We have had a great 8 months......have gone trail riding recently and given her dad lessons, and basically just enjoyed having her. I learned that she does care for me, very much, and that she also loves people! She is the social butterfly of the barn! Here are a few photos of Belle teaching Daddy to ride

As you can see she's pretty good with beginners as we were VERY pleased to discover! Here are Ms Busy Bee's most recent Glamor Girl shots.....
Belle was featured recently on the very funny "CutewithChris" show, where she "out cuted" Chris's slightly mental Plastic Pony, Colty...! To see the fun check out "I like Towels" ;)

Belle continues to grow and mature, blossoming into a mare with an absolute heart of gold.....we are so grateful for our friend Summer and her husband Scott, who helped us to see Belle had a BARN problem, NOT a people or owner problem. Now that she is happy, sassy and healthy here in our wonderful vet's barn we can clearly see that now!

So happy trails dear friends....I'll be updating this blog MUCH more regularly now with updates, photos and links to great video footage of our girl!

Robin in MI